
Software products by Paul Konstantin Gerke

Website Disclaimer

Owner: Paul Konstantin Gerke - Contact Details

External links

This website contains links to websites that are not directly controlled by the website owner and are not part of the domain. I provide these links for convenience and reference, but do not take responsibility for the accuracy or legaility of content provided on the external sites. Please contact the corresponding external website owners for details or remarks on their content.

Downloads of products

1) Bought software products can be made available through links to this domain ( The download link locations can be subject to change. In case a download link does not work, customers can contact me through the means listed on the Contact-page to reclaim a working download link.

2) While download links to products will work at most times, I do not guarantee that download links are available at all times. Server maintenance, website updates, updates to the product catalogue, or third party intervention might make downloads temporarily unavailable. In case of such problems, I will do my best to return the website and download links to products back to operation, but I do not take responsibility for incurred damages caused by the immediate unavailablility of downloads due to any of these issues.

3) Downloads and software are provided under the license that is clearly marked on their corresponding download pages and under the general terms and conditions available for download on this website (see footer).