Baby Buddy for Android - Privacy Policy

Version 1.1

Paul Konstantin Gerke


Open privacy policy as PDF

This document explains how the Android app "Baby Buddy for Android" uses your data to provide its services, how it processes your data, and how you can delete your data from the app.

Short summary

The Baby Buddy for Android app (hereafter: "the app" or "this app") allows you to interact with a Baby Buddy Website. For this purpose, data is stored locally on the your Android device. The app does not interact with any other service, website or device besides your Android device and the connected Baby Buddy Website.

What is stored?

What is your data used for?

The app uses your data to provide its features and functions. The app's purpose is to streamline access to a connected Baby Buddy Website so that it is easier to use on a handheld Android device. In order to do so, the app uses your login information to authenticate itself with a Baby Buddy Website. It then copies some of the data from the website on your Android device to provide you fast access to information stored on the Baby Buddy Website.

If you choose to start or stop timers, or log events for children, data you provide through those actions is sent and stored on the connected Baby Buddy Website.


Data transfers between the app and the connected Baby Buddy Website is only secured (encrypted) if the Baby Buddy Website uses Secure HTTP (https).

You can choose to override a security warning and login to an unsecured (http) Baby Buddy Website if you like. Communication between the Android app and the server will then be unencrypted and insecure. This mode is mainly intended for local network installations of the Baby Buddy Website which do not necessarily require full encryption of the communication between app and website.

Baby Buddy local data

Baby Buddy uses a local file on your Android device to store:

Data retention and deletion

Data which is stored on your Android device can be deleted by you at any time through the app by:

Data which the app sends to a connected Baby Buddy Website will be stored on the Baby Buddy Website and cannot be deleted directly through the app. How data is deleted from the website depends on the privacy policy and implementation of the Baby Buddy Website. This is not part of the privacy policy of this Android app.

No data collection by third parties

Baby Buddy for Android does not use a third-party server or other service to provide its functions. Instead, you are expected to host your own instance of the Baby Buddy Website ( which you control yourself.

All information entered into the application will only be transmitted to the connected server. Baby Buddy for Android does not collect and share your or your device's data with any other party.

Contact information

Paul Konstantin Gerke
Dominicanenstraat 4R
6521KD Nijmegen (NL)

You can find more contact options on the developer website:

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